JORDAN LLC was founded in 1998 by Michelle Jordan to assist CEOs and senior executives with their strategic communication needs, as well as those of the organizations they lead. The firm specializes in issue and reputation management and responsibility (protecting, enhancing, restoring,) crisis communication and branding strategy – an implicit component of reputation responsibility.

The company is based in Southern California and works with clients from coast-to-coast.

While our range of clients and assignments is diverse, there is always a challenge to be addressed and a problem to be solved. Crafting and executing an effective communication strategy to drive the defined agenda forward is essential to a successful outcome.

Clients range from CEOs and corporate board directors to entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals, and from public companies and family-owned businesses to academic institutions and non-profit organizations.

Many assignments are confidential. All are handled with discretion and sensitivity.

Crisis and reputation-related assignments include managing situations that have, or are likely to place the client and/or their organization in an unwelcome spotlight, as well as developing communication and positioning strategies for clients looking to take control of their public profiles and  safeguard their reputations.


Branding strategy assignments include working with organizations to effectively articulate and communicate who they are and what they do to the stakeholders they must reach and influence, internally and externally.

In partnership with a highly-experienced management consultant and corporate board director, Jordan LLC also works with clients to structure and facilitate their strategic planning and business development meetings.



Jordan LLC | 220 Newport Center Dr. #11-344 | Newport Beach, CA | 92660 | 949 640 1684 | jordanllc@cox.net